Astrophysics and High Performance Computing Group (AHPC)
The AHPC group was established in 2012 and carries out pioneering work in Astrophysics and Parallel and Distributed Computing. The group has a prestigious network of international collaborators and is directed by Prof. Andreas Efstathiou, Vice Rector for Research and External Affairs.
The Center for Game Studies carries out research on various aspects of games, from their impact on society to the creation of game design and evaluation principles and guidelines. The center is directed by Dr George Christou, an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.

The Centre for Risk and Decision Sciences (CERIDES) provides a holistic offer to the academic and business world. The Centre is based on the offering of educational (taught), research and consulting solutions. The Centre has emerged from the synergies that have been identified between the Centre for Risk, Safety and the Environment (CERISE) and the Decision Support and Systems Optimization (DSSO) Laboratory and operates under the auspices of European University Cyprus. It is the first cross-disciplinary, cross-School Center of Excellence of European University Cyprus.
The areas of focus of the Centre of Excellence revolves around the development, use and evaluation of primarily quantitative and to a lesser degree qualitative methods in order to measure, assess, manage and communicate risk, and to analyze, design and implement decision-making mechanisms and systems.
Our Proposition
CERIDES aims to create high quality output and build a high caliber reputation along the areas of Research, Education / Training, and Consultancy. [Read more..]
Areas of Research
The Centre of Excellence implements horizontal research activities in scientific areas related to the fields of Risk and Decision Sciences. Research findings are applied to a wide range of industrial fields. [Read more..]
Research Laboratories
The Centre of Excellence emerged from the synergies that have been identified between the Centre for Risk, Safety and the Environment (CERISE) and the Decision Support and Systems Optimization (DSSO) Laboratory. [Read more..]
Industrial Partners
Having strong links and extensive cooperation with industry is one of the main priorities of the Centre of Excellence. The Centre currently collaborates with a significant number of industrial partners from Cyprus and abroad. [Read more..]
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