From 2/7 – 10/7 the Center for Game Studies of our Department gave free instruction to students from the Leivadia Gymnasium. Students aged 12 – 16 years old took part in a summer school with the aim of gaining an introductory knowledge of Unity.
The students worked on both the programming and design aspects of Unity, learning how to create a very simple running game in the end. We wish to congratulate all the students who were involved, who displayed a very high level of motivation to learn! We also wish to thank their instructors Mr. Antonis Antoniou and Ms. Nikoletta Nikolaidou-Lada who chaperoned the students during all the days of the Summer School, even though they were on their summer vacation! A special thank you also goes to the Cyprus Computer Society, and in particular to Mr. Andreas Loutsios and Mr. Panikos Masouras that provided the funding for the transportation of the students from Larnaca to the premices of European University Cyprus in Nicosia and back.
A huge thank you to everyone!